Original Oneshots

These are the many comics that come straight from my brain. Bewarb reader, my brain is a strange and frightening place.

Saucy Gerblin

Saucy Gerblin

From what I’ve observed  in recent years, modern gerbls are much more fashionable and curvier than they used to be.

Sexy Hero or Homicidal Pervert

Sexy Hero or Homicidal Pervert

The secret truth about certain types of  fantasy armor. It is imperative those wearing such armor do not think about it too hard or they may inadvertently cross the fine line between sexy hero and homicidal pervert.

CW: Scantily dressed adventurer, almost-but-not-quite nudity.

Career Path

Career Path

Life takes you places. You think the places will be full of guns ans skeltals, but no, the places are small, pointy and adorable.



I was asked to teach art once, but they never asked again after I showed the lesser-known postos. It’s okay, thanks to the magic of the internet, I can share these secret art techniques that will elevate your craft and/or various joints.


Step 1 to good posture: Don't be a gerblin. That's it. There is no step 2. I'm sorry, we gerblins are stuck like this.


The Plague Years have made my terrible posture worse so it’s even more effort to ungoblin myself (and my starting gerblin level was already peak).

Worm dance

Worm dance

Someone walked with rhythm and attracted the worm-like thing, but there are those who covet the worm-ish beings.


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