Beach WZRD  is a comedy series about a newly appointed small town Witch encountering the natural disaster known as a “Wizard.”

What is Beach WZRD?

Think slice of life, but with a cantankerous wizard and many magickal mishaps. It is intended for all readers but be warned there may be the occasional eldritch horror (which will probably get shouted at).

It’s a traditional comic, not a webcomic. What this means is that Beach WZRD is written and drawn primarily for book format and optimized for print, intended to be read by chapter rather than in single page updates. I do my best to make it readable on the interwebs, but there may be some strangeness due to my fondness for screentones (ironically screens don’t like those) and the occasional, uh, underwhelming update.

When does it update?

Beach WZRD will eventually update Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, but I am currently making sure the website won’t explode before I begin (websuts, they are notoriously combustible). The first full chapter will be available in the shop as a PDF shortly after that.

However, if you have a grudge against Time itself you can go read the first two chapters on Patreon (Blorrp tier and above) right now.

Is there a physical book?

Not yet, but there will eventually be an actual book you can hold and/or fling at your enemies (so they can read it and become your friends of course). To do this, however, I need to get to Chapter 5 which is still a ways away since it turns out comics take Forever® to make (currently at Chapter 3). You can sign up for the Mailing list to stay updated on the eventual book status.

Consider telling your rich uncle to join my Patreon, buy things and donate (I’m sure he can do all three, he’s rich) so’s I can keep making this thing (and other comics!) full-time.

Why is it only black and white?

It’s not. You may need to recalibrate your device and/or optical organs.

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